5 Simple Tips To Increase Email Subscribers To Your Blog
Email Marketing, the best way to reach the targeted audience of particular niche. And the easiest way of engaging and maintaining relationship with the audience. We keep them updated of recent news of a certain niche by sending regular E-mails.
But, to gain more exposure and more publicity to the blog, it is important to increase the Email subscribers. The more we target, the higher we gain the exposure to the content or certain product. It isn’t a too difficult task to increase the number of Email subscribers to the blog and it isn’t too easy indeed. The less number of Email subscriptions might be due to some imperfections in the blog’s maintenance or structure. So, to increase the number of Email subscriptions we have implemented some tricks. Here are 5 simple yet effective tips to increase Email subscriptions to your blog. Read on to know them..
Simplify Sign-Up Form:
The sign up from provided in the blog is the gate way to get more email subscribers. So, isn’t it important to simplify the sign up form? Yeah! It is. And it can be made possible by making it easier to subscribe and making the subscription form interesting may attract more customers.
It’s good to avoid using the forms asking for Phone numbers, Pet names, Address etc… These types of questions annoy the visitor and make them leave the blog. If you think those details are mandatory, you can gather information from them after their subscription to your blog.
Answer the question: Why Should I Subscribe?
The most common question pops up in the visitor’s mind is “Why Should I Subscribe?” You are the one who should answer the question.
Provide a firm and accurate reason why the visitor should subscribe to your blog. Explain the benefits of getting and subscribed and types of the updates you post on your blog. Every visitor may not be interested in particular niche. So, by mentioning the niche it favors the visitors interesting in particular niche to get subscribed.
Make the visitor believe in you by providing your identity like the author image and your contact address in Contact Us page. It proves you as the head of the blog without any suspicion.
Offer Something to Audience:
In the world today no one is free to work for anyone without receiving any benefits. In the same way to attract the email subscribers we must offer something to the audience.
If you offer something, the audience will give you their Email in return. It may be a Premium online tool (or) a Gadget (or) Money prize. Each unique award has its own importance and it attracts the audience of particular interest. But, it’s important to remember that the award must be closer to the niche of the blog to boost Email subscriptions of the chosen niche.
Stimulate Current Email Subscribers To Share:
Make your blog go viral by encouraging current subscribers to share your content and products. Make your content attractive and inspirational. It stimulates the current email subscribers to share your content and thus it drives more traffic to the blog.
Inspiring the visitors arrived to the blog depends on the author of the blog. We can use best landing pages to attract the visitors to get subscribed. Messy or fussy landing pages may wreck your aim. So, avoid using Pop-ups and numerous number of subscription boxes. Allow only one way to the visitor and let the visitors subscribe on their own.
Choose Right Place For Subscription Box:
It isn’t a right way of using numerous subscription boxes. But, it affects if we place only one at an unreachable place in the blog. Doing a small work effectively sounds better than doing a vast work ineffectively. So, it is preferable to place only one subscription box in a spot easily viewable by the visitor.
Most of the Pro Bloggers suggest placing the subscription box at the end of the article. It is because; the box provides an option for the visitor to subscribe to the blog’s updates if visitor is interested with the content of the blog.
Final Words:
These tips are tested and proven methods to increase Email subscriptions to your blog. We’ve worked on these tips efficiently and doubled the number of Email subscriptions to our blog. So consider implementing these tips on you blog and watch out for the results.
We are sure, you’ll be glad with the result of implementation of these five tips.

offering a goodie like an ebook will actually help people in increasing the subscribers.. even I am the who have enrolled myself for free ebooks.. 🙂
King recently posted..How To Sign Up For HostGator Web Hosting?
Very good post, Ajay. As far as I am concerned, many factors go into making a subscription box work. Good placement really is one of them. I think ‘After Post’ is the best one.
MNB Achari recently posted..How to backup wordpress blog using cpanel
Nice post and this proves that only installing a subscriber plugin is not enough. Lot of work needs to be done in order to optimally use subscribing option. Thanks for the post!
Mukesh Dutta recently posted..CFM – The Best Place To Learn & Start An Internet Business
Nice post Ajay. Many bloggers place the subscription box in wrong place which is the main reason for not getting opt-in’s or conversions.And giving some kind of gifts to the readers also creates more interest.
Phanindra recently posted..[Workout] – How To Increase Adsense Income With Just 2 Minutes of Work ?
nice post, ithink giveaways are best way to increase your subscribers and visitors
Allii Allee recently posted..Samsung Galaxy S4 I9500 Price In Pakistan And Specifications
Hi Ajay,
These are some great tips you’ve shared here. One thing I’ve noticed when offering something for free to people for subscribing to your email list is that mini courses work better than offering an ebook. There are a lot of freebie hunters who will just unsubscribe once they’ve downloaded the free gift.
But if you’re mini course is packed with valuable information they’ll be more willing to open your follow up emails.
I think it’s all about the first impression you make on your email subscribers.
Great tips Ajay.
Residual Income recently posted..Bluehost Review: Affordable Web Hosting for Small Business Websites
increasing subscribers increase traffic…!! 🙂
very good article thanks for sharing..i think adding subscribe option at good position is most important
vinay goud recently posted..Rearm windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation to Extend Trail Version another 90 days(3 months)
Nice tips 😛
Parigyan recently posted..Sticky Password PRO 6.0.8 Free Download Giveaway
nice tips for increasing email subscriptions to a blog i was looking for such info to increase my subscriptions as well…
Great article! thanks a lot for sharing this useful info with us.
Arul shaji recently posted..Best Smartphones under the Price Rs 15,000 in India.
@Ajay Great article. Email marketing is a great way to get new clients but also a great way to offer new or updated products or services to current clients. All in all I think everyone can gain something from creating a email marketing campaign. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of MailChimp, but they are a really cool free/easy way to create and track a campaign. Sending out a campaign is one thing, but being able to see what links are clicked and how many emails are even opened, also you can see how you are connecting with these people and how you can revise it to be better and have a better turnover rate. Thanks again for the great reads. 🙂
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