Seven Hidden Tips To Create A Cool Post
Not very long time ago, blogging was considered just a geek passion and it wasn’t considered a serious activity.Nowadays, there is no field of activity not having a couple of blogs explaining the little secrets behind the human activities. Willing or not, the blogosphere, the total amount of blogs, became a real help for everyone in need, and by neglecting this awesome entity, good opportunities are lost and precious information vanishes.
The common users of Internet are the beneficiaries of this situation but, from the reverse perspective, the ones of the bloggers, the situation is very different. While the number of Internet users is truly increasing, the ratio is incomparably lower with the one of the new launched blogs. The concurrence amongst bloggers is very harsh and only the strong will and great passion may keep them active in such a competitive atmosphere. Each blogger has own little secrets that aren’t shared with the readers.Here are some tips that aren’t very common to all bloggers, these are situated somewhere in the grey area of blogging acknowledgement. If you consider that others ideas must be added here, feel free to propose us your thoughts, and we will be glad to consider these.
1. Be Aggressive:
Nope, you shouldn’t beat up other bloggers, by far, it’s better to collaborate with them. A blogger must be aggressive when it’s about his posts. The potential readers are daily bombarded with tons of promotional messages and it’s hard to believe that they will find your blog or post, no matter how interesting and how much cool information is presented. In spite of a never-ending waiting in addition to frustration it’s better to take firmly the situation in your hands and promote your works using all the ways possible (but do it fairly and not transform you into a spamming machine).
The most useful modalities are social networks: Facebook, Twitter or Stumble Upon. These are the main platforms for wide spreading your posts. The entire endeavor of promoting the posts may be in vain if the quality of the materials is low or decent, if you promote something, it must be exponential.
2. Engage With The Readers:
There is no secret that having a living relationship with the readers is very important, but very few really have an idea about the huge advantages of maintaining a community around you. The engagement with the readers supposes the existence of two fronts:
-in the interior of the post, by presenting dilemmatic situations that excite people to comment, by asking for various points of view or simply asking for feedback;
-outside of the post, by maintaining the relationship, of course, using social media.
Think twice at the next example: a blogger has a Twitter account with tens of followers while another one really cares about his presence on this network and has thousands of people that are interested in his tweets. Which one will obtain more readers from Twitter…I think there is no ambiguity.
3. Offer Your Personal Perspective
I am sure that there is no subject not to be covered by lots of blogs and under these circumstances, nobody could write something new, unseen and unspoken of. Fortunately, there is something that wasn’t ever mentioned and you know it very well: your personal perspective.
The readers are effectively felt in love with the personal viewpoints and a blogger must feed his loyal readers with these kinds of posts. Categorical, it’s impossible to express your personal projection in all the posts, but a small idea from your experience is always welcomed.
4. Don’t Pay Attention To The Length:
There are well-known blogs that post daily or weekly, multiple times per day, very long posts or brief ideas. The great variety demonstrates that the readers are very versatile and they want something interesting, useful or nice therefore the length shouldn’t be very important.
The real problem is the consistency, once the blog contains very long posts; a brief post has bigger chances not to be enjoyed. The conclusion is simple: maintain the same style and with each new post try to higher the standards.
5.Images Attract Readers:
Apparently, it’s a non-sense but the images are playing a pretty important role in the overall rating of a post. There are two great reasons to pay attention to the images you use:
– By using the “alt” attribute, the images are taken into consideration by the search engines. It’s simple, you name the images accordingly and the searcher may find your post by typing into the search box the respective keyword.
– It works as a break for the readers; people don’t usually like plain text.
Also it’s very important to select good images, which are relevant with the information provided, in this way the idea of unity is highlighted.
6. Divide The Article Very Clearly:
Any blogger must be aware that many readers of his posts aren’t loyal; they landed on the respective page because of the search engine used. The clear division of the post helps the readers a lot because the information is better structured but also, by specifying the paragraphs and the sub-paragraphs with “h” tags the spiders of the search engines will rank the blog containing it better.
7. Hire Someone To Read Your Posts Before Publishing:
Nothing is more embarrassing for a blogger than a post that is full of mistakes. Lots of bloggers are basing on their experience and don’t want the help of a proofreader or of someone just to read the posts before publishing. My last advice is not to neglect this fact, don’t forget the worst proofreader is the one who created the entity, in this case you.
I really hope that it was useful and it will be great to know your opinion about this post!

Very nice and non biased information, Thanks for this article.
Krishna@techmero recently posted..RocketDock Icons Pack : Download For Free
This is awesome article and I really like the “images” used in it. Expecting more articles like this from you Pavan 🙂
Bharat chowdary recently posted..10 Mobile Responsive WordPress Themes from StudioPress
I always like to take a break before publishing my article. It surely helps to find out the mistakes I made, above methods are helpful to create a quality post.
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Hi Pavan,
thanks for your post, nice points.
I think the most important part of writing is include something personal and say our version of things, in order to stand out from the crowd.
Erik Emanuelli recently posted..10 Free Tools to Monitor Your Social Media Influence
For me, the most important thing is to keep permanent contact with the readers of my blog and another one is to have my own opinion when I write something!
Daniel Jackson recently posted..Acai Berry In The Media
This article certainly helps every blogger. Offering your personal perspective is one of the best things you can do to engage the readers. Thanks for the article.
I just started blogging and this post has really opened my mind about writing posts.
Thnx admin.