General Archive

Playing Free Casino Games Online
by Pavan Somu | General | No Comments
If you compare the games you can find in a real money online casino and the ones available for free play online, you will see some differences between them: the ones developed by third

How to Make a Night at Home Feel Like a Night on the Town
by Pavan Somu | General | 1 Comment
Going to a casino is about having fun, just as going to dinner, the movies, a concert, or any other activity that is for entertainment. Visiting a casino is fun and that should be

Best Internet Connection For Gaming
by mohdakthar | General | 1 Comment
A few years ago we were just starting to see the beginning stages of what we now refer to as “Internet 2.0” the internet that is created and controlled by the people who use

Technological Advances: Impact on Medicine/Health
by Pavan Somu | General | 1 Comment
Have you ever stopped to wonder how medicine and health have been influenced by technology? The proof is all around us, whether it is in hospital waiting rooms, record rooms, operating rooms, or the

What Are The Benefits of Using UPS Batteries
by Pavan Somu | General | 3 Comments
UPS batteries are used uninterrupted power supply that provides power back up during the loss of Alternative current supply. It is UPS battery that decides total output of the UPS unit. As a matter

Open Invitation for Guest Bloggers
by Pavan Somu | General | 15 Comments
GeekandBlogger.Com is ready to Invite Guest Bloggers. Being the owner of the blog I invite all my readers and fellow bloggers to be a Guest Writer. Contributors will be given a dedicated profile where