How To Make Your Visitors Return To Your Blog
In these days blogging is spreading as a viral disease among the youth.Every body is blogging on the internet but only some knows the real art of blogging.Blogging is also a type of art that only resides in some special bloggers everyone can’t become a successful blogger.According to a survey it was found that only 10% of the blogs prove as successful.
Everybody can write but the art of getting its visitors attention is in only some of the bloggers.In blogging period blogger always asks from himself how to let his visitors return as returning of visitors is the sign that yours is a successful blog.The most important thing is to build a relationship with its viewers.You should be able to persuade a new visitor to become a daily reader otherwise you will keep losing your valuable traffic.
So it’s the time to create a strategy to make your new visitors returning visitors.If your visitors just return a single time on your blog to say thanks you will be able to get some serious traffic.
So today am going to give you some tips on how to engage your visitors make them return to your blog
tips on how to make your visitors return on your blog:
1) Write What Your Audience Wants:
This is the ultimate trick of getting in your audience attention.As first impression is the last impression try to keep your post simple and up-to mark. Many bloggers just start to write anything on their blog apart from their niche and that’s the stage where they loose their audience attention,so always write according to your niche and write according to your spectators need.
2) Ask For Your Readers Opinion:
Always give priority to your readers.Make them feel important by asking for their opinions on what they think about your blog and how much they liked your writing.Always respond to your readers comment as they will return because of your response.
Also read: Things You Should Never Do When Commenting on Other Blogs
3) Offer Something in Return to Your Readers Subscription:
Always try to give something to your readers in return of their subscription.Try to offer some ebooks or some any kind of gifts or discount on any stuff related to your blog as it may be advertising.
4) Communicate via Social Networks:
Social networks proves to be the best medium via which your can interact with your readers and subscribers.Social networks keep your readers or subscribers constantly updated about your blog.So try to keep your social networks updated.
Also read: Time Management Tips For Bloggers [Blogger Guide]
5) Held Regular Contests or Giveaways:
Contests and giveaways are a great idea to get your visitors engaged on your visitors and it will also make a good impression of your site. Organizing giveaways can also give you some loyal readers in your subscribers list.Try to be simple and friendly with your site visitors.
So friends there are many many tricks to make visitors returning visitor but these are some best tricks and working tricks and the most important thing don’t trick your visitors as i have used the word trick many times in this post and try to build an unbreakable relationship with your readers.

I really appreciate this article , all points are good , contest and giveaways is best for visitors returing anyways awesome post , thanks for sharing
Hammad Baig recently posted..SEOClerks – Affordable SEO Services With Quality
Thanks for your Response Hammad Baig..keep visiting for more…
gautamcool1 recently posted..Top 5 Android Phones Under Rs 10,000
I think we need to write high quality of content not just for SEO but also for our real visitor. We can look at news sites.
Helson recently posted..Reduce Cell Phone Radiation
I will definitely follow all the points, because it is very necessary to get returning visitors. If you are interested in earning more money through affiliate marketing. Besides thanks for this kind information bro… 🙂
Saurabh Rai recently posted..Second Alexa Ranking Report – Month October 2012
this is very good idea that using poll for asking the reader what they want to see in our blog..i will be making such a blog..thankss
shubham recently posted..iOS 6 Maps: What’s the Fuss About?
strongly agree with you..giveaway is best idea when we are seeing our readers are moving to some another blog…i have used it and it is proven successful for me too…
mohit rajwani recently posted..Programming With C #3 Checking Entered Number Is Perfect Square Or Not
Yaa Mohit You are Absolutely rigt helding giveaways is one of the best method to hold members on your site…
Gautam recently posted..How To Root Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830
One cannot keep giving away things. It’s a bit like bribing the readers for visiting. Conducting polls and asking their opinion is a good way of getting the visitors back, I suppose.
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