Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts List
On 29 February 2012, Microsoft released Windows 8 Consumer Preview, the beta version of Windows 8, build 8250. For the first time since Windows 95, the Start button is no longer available, though the Start screen is still triggered by clicking the bottom-left corner of the screen. Windows president Steven Sinofsky said more than 100,000 changes had been made since the developer version went public. In the first day of its release, Windows 8 Consumer Preview was downloaded over one million times.
Today Microsoft had released the list of keyboard shortcuts of Windows 8 in MSDN blog. I had just provided the list below.
List of Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Win + B – Switch to the (classic) Windows desktop and select the tray notification area.
- Win + C – Brings up the Charms menu, where you can search, share, and change settings.
- Win + D – Brings up the old Windows desktop.
- Win + E – Launch Windows Explorer with Computer view displayed.
- Win + F – Brings up the Metro File search screen.
- Win + H – Opens the Metro Share panel.
- Win + I – Opens the Settings panel, where you can change settings for the current app, change volume, wireless networks, shut down, or adjust the brightness.
- Win + J – Switches focus between snapped Metro applications.
- Win + K – Opens the Devices panel (for connecting to a projector or some other device)
- Win + L – Lock PC and return to Lock screen.
- Win + M – Minimize all Windows on the desktop
- Win + O – Locks device orientation.
- Win + P – Choose between available displays.
- Win + Q – Brings up the Metro App Search screen.
- Win + R – Switch to the (classic) Windows desktop and display the Run box.
- Win + U – Switch to the (classic) Windows desktop and launch the Ease of Access Center.
- Win + V – Cycles through toasts.
- Win + W – Brings up the Metro Settings search screen.
- Win + X – Launch Start Menu.
- Win + Y – Temporarily peek at the desktop.
- Win + Z – Opens the App Bar for the current Metro application.
- Win + Page Up / Down – Moves tiles to the left / right.
- Win + Tab – Opens the Metro application switcher menu, switches between applications.
- Win + , (comma) – Aero Peek at the desktop.
- Win + . (period) – Snaps the current Metro application to one side of the screen. (Right side)
- Win + Shift + . (period) – Snaps the current Metro application to the other side of the screen. (Left side)
- Win + Space – Switch input language and keyboard layout.
- Win + Shift + V – Cycles through toasts in reverse order.
- Win + Enter – Launches Narrator
- Win + Arrow Keys – Switch to the (classic) Windows desktop and enable Aero Snap
For printing purpose or saving the list into pc download the PDF.
I love shortcuts.
Thank you for this updated list
Michael Harrington recently posted..Three Best Ways Business Cards Can Enhance Social Media Marketing
these shortcuts are really helpful to save our time!plus it helps us to perform things faster
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