Blogging Archive

Google Penalty On Content Copied
by Pavan Somu | Blogging | 27 Comments
Participating in a discussion on a forum I answered a question from a user who has had a fall from 4000 unique visits per day to 40. Among the various answers someone pointed out

5 Simple Tips To Increase Email Subscribers To Your Blog
by ajayudayagiri | Blogging | 11 Comments
Email Marketing, the best way to reach the targeted audience of particular niche. And the easiest way of engaging and maintaining relationship with the audience. We keep them updated of recent news of a

Importance of Organic Traffic
by Pavan Somu | Blogging | 18 Comments
If you’re goal is (I’m sure it is) to reach the maximum number of audience through your blog with organic traffic. And it won’t be surprising, if you’ve read all the traffic generation tactics

5 Dreaded Black Hat SEO Practices You Must Avoid
by Pavan Somu | Blogging | 16 Comments
With the development of Google search, requirement on optimizing content (SEO) emerged and from there, the birth of what is mostly known as black hat SEO or negative SEO. The real SEO that has

Importance of Domain Names for SEO
by Pavan Somu | Blogging | 12 Comments
Many domain names are educational, some are entertaining, whereas others just don’t make any sense at all. The domain of your business is a valuable commodity and a keyword-relevant name can be a tremendous

Choosing The Best Web Hosting Service And Their Reviews
by Pavan Somu | Blogging | 18 Comments
Websites have now become lifeline of every business. As soon as you develop a website for your business, you must think of a reliable and reasonable web hosting service. Easier said than done the