Things You Should Never Do When Commenting on Other Blogs
No doubt, commenting on other blogs brings more visitors and regular readers, particularly, if the comments are given on the blogs from the same niche. Seasoned bloggers exploit the power of comment, which give them free backlink to their site, but using it for only this purpose is a wrong utilization of this superb communication instrument. Though, there is nothing bad with giving a reference to the personal web page, but, one should also make qualitative input and contribute value to the discussion, otherwise you will soon loose a repute of being a serious blogger. There are few things that every serious blogger should avoid while commenting on other blogs.
Fake Identity:
You should not use fake name or identity. Contrary, always, use a real name while commenting on blogs. This will build your credibility on the web, by depicting yourself as a real person who always contributes more value to the discussions. The best tool to comment as a real person is to use a Gravatar. It allows us to get an avatar associated with any particular email address. It takes just couple of minutes to create an account, and then appear anywhere you want to make a comment on a blog and your personal identity will be automatically activated by Gravatar. It will show your image as an avatar along with your comment.
Also read: Why Negative Comments are essential for Development of a Blog
Web Slang:
In many other platforms, like chatrooms, people use web slangs, which are a kind of standard, but when it comes to blogs, where serious people discuss serious issues, you should avoid using web slangs.
If it is really necessary and truly fits the discussion, then it is right to include a reference to any of your own post in your comment. But if you do this several times in 100s of comments, then, probably, you have exaggerated.
Babbling and Incomplete Sentences:
Never use incomplete sentences, which often create confusion and leave no meaning. You must write concrete sentences with strong argument, which will present yourself as a knowledgeable guy, who don’t end by leaving incoherent babble arguments. Unlike a general discussion you’ve got an opportunity to review again, what you have written before submitting. You should perform this.
If you need to contact the owner of the blog for some other purpose, you should go to his contact page for direct contact. Never post off-topic questions in a comment section. This is purely unprofessional conduct.
Now, in the end, I give you a chance to write below in comments following the rules that you have just learnt in this post. Write below in comments and show us how far you are abiding the five principles. And if you know more, let us know about your personal opinion and experience about comments. Is there any other basic rule I’ve missed? Do you disagree with any?

hmmm……will keep these in mind From now…..thnxx for The Post……
gautamcool1 recently posted..Stylish Lightbox Facebook Popup Likebox Widget For Blogger.
same here..i will also keep this points in mind..!!
shubham recently posted..iOS 6 Maps: What’s the Fuss About?
Informative post! Well yes, while commenting on blogs, one should not use fake name/identity and also one should avoid using web slangs. And agreed posting irrelevant comments on a specific post, is an unprofessional conduct, and if there is a need to do so, then using a contact page is a right step. Thanks Pavan for sharing this info 🙂
Nizam Khan recently posted..Evergreen Content – How to Make Your Content Durable and Resilient
i am definitely going to follow your steps from my next comments on other posts. Truly a excellent information to all the Bloggers !
FlaxG recently posted..Free Skype Credits from Bing Rewards
Great to hear that.. And I assure that you will definitely get benefit from that. Good luck 🙂
As you know, commenting is an effective way to build backlinks and drive traffic to your blog. However, comment SPAM is what kills your online reputaton. So, be a BLOGGER, not a SPAMMER.
Chan Huu recently posted..Global Traffic Machine Review – Full Details with Screenshots
Yes if we follow these rules means the admin definitely accepts our comments
Bobby recently posted..What Care You Should Take While Buying Computer and Hardware Through Online?
strongly agree with you i too was receiving too many spam comments on my blog,then i made many restrictions and which led to my blog free of spamy comments.
mohit rajwani recently posted..Programming With C #3 Checking Entered Number Is Perfect Square Or Not
Nice tips and well said. I can hardly agree that comment is another way of bringing traffic to one’s site. Most webmasters and bloggers refuse to accept html tags written in comment box. So how can it be followed even when your comment provides useful explanation to the reader? Copy the address and paste in the address bar? Most readers hate doing that.
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