Auto-Backup Your WordPress Database Directly in Your Inbox (With Backup Scheduler Plugin)

Who do want to get his website into disasters and danger. In my opinion, no one wants to, do you?

I mean to say that a powerful platform came into existence when your hard-ships bound with it.

Suppose, if someone is very serious towards blogging and very careful about his site, but did he know? In some paces he is not very well, how he should be?

He don’t care for his site’s backup files such as FTP files, folders and Database files. Keep in mind :idea:, its very dangerous for his site, the outcome would be losing the site from his hands. Let’s stepping forward a little:

A Great Blogger’s blog was Hacked

Amit Agarwal a great blogger who blogs at and recently his blog were hacked along with three other websites owned by him. Although hacker had deleted his website and all things exist in his WordPress. You might be seeing that until the images are not showing in the Amits blog.

Amit Agarwal Blogs on following:


I’m Predicting here :shock:, to get you in the right way.

How would you cope, if your website would be hacked, what will you do?

Of course you can’t do anything, without having backup of your website’s files i.e (FTP files, folders and Database files), your website is nothing without these backup files, everything will be finished, that’s it.

Now get back to the topic, listen to me very carefully that it won’t be great if your website’s backup files will automatically be sent on your email address without the expenditure of your time.

Of course it would be the better and awesome way to protect your website, in case of hacking. 😉

How to get Backup Files Directly in Inbox?

Backup Scheduler is a WordPress plugin by which a person can backup such files i.e, FTP files, folders as well as Database files directly in the inbox.

[Also read: Create Random Posts Section without using Plugins]

This plugin sends overall backup files in your inbox, on daily basis on time, what you scheduled, that’s why the plugin named itself as backup scheduler.

The plugin is under GPL (General Public License) but no worry, we can use it.

How it works?

The installation process is very easy although it will take a little period of time. First of all, download the plugin, install and activate it. Now, step by step we’ll setup the plugin:

1. Go to SL Plugins > Backup Scheduler

2. Go to Parameters finally set the following things:

i. How often do you want to backup your website?

Frequency (in days): 7, (You can use the frequency of days on accord of you).

Time of the backups: 0 means midnight, 1 means 1am and 13 means 1pm, choose your desired time.

Keep the backup files for (in days): 42, (Take into account, this backup will be deleted within 42 days and you will have to create once again, if you don’t want to create backup once again please increase the limit of days from 42 to __ ).

ii. What do you want to save?

Did you understand, in this option you have to configure the files you want to save and want backup of them through email. Check boxes according to your needs, and unchecked them which you don’t want.

iii. Do you want that the backup is sent by email?

Now, where would the backup files be sent.

Send the backup files by email: Check Box
If so, please enter your email:

iv. Do you want that the backup is stored on a FTP?

Figure out the form on accord of your needs. If you want to save FTP files then you must have to enter

FTP host: ftps://domain.tld/root_folder/
Leave the advanced settings option as it was before and click update button to save changes.

[Also read: Top SEO Plugins for WordPress Blogs]

Note: If you have any cache plugin you must have to clear the cache otherwise it’d take 24 hours to update.


Congratulations, your website’s Backup files have now been activated and you will soon be able to get the backup files through email address.

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  1. Ehsan @ GuideAndNews

    I know the importance of having a backup file of your blog with yourself because no one knows when his blog will be hacked.

    Well, I use BackupBuddy premium WordPress plugin and I’m satisfied with it.
    Thanks for writing on this.
    Ehsan @ GuideAndNews recently posted..21 Crispy SEO Tips For 2012 – All You Need To Know About SEOMy Profile

    • Dilawer Pirzada

      Yeah Ehsan,

      I’m highly satisfied you. I reviewed about Backup Scheduler WordPress Plugin those who is poor and couldn’t afford for backupbuddy wordpress premium plugin.

      Backup Scheduler works Great! Thanks for commenting on my first guest post Ehsan.
      Dilawer Pirzada recently posted..Get Blog Engage Standard Account for Free! Hurry up!My Profile

  2. Chadrack

    A good write up on blog backup. Frankly, it’s sad to hear about Amit. I don’t really know why some people are this mischievous. Thanks for sharing.
    Chadrack recently posted..An Innovative Way How Blog Commenting Can Make You an A-list Blogger!My Profile

    • Dilawer Pirzada

      Your very welcome Chadrack,

      I always share these tips with those who don’t know about how their is valuable and if they don’t care about there website then it would be hacked. The best way to protect your website is always backup your website files.

      I also did not understand about the fact, what did Amit do? Could you explain here!
      Dilawer Pirzada recently posted..Get Blog Engage Standard Account for Free! Hurry up!My Profile

  3. Nizam

    Yes, auto backup is really a good strategy to backup files, for instance if something goes wrong. Scheduling the backup with Email is an easy and simpler option. Thanks for sharing this detailed guide on auto backup.
    Nizam recently posted..Check Username availability on multiple Social Networking sites with KnowemMy Profile

  4. Krishna Kumar

    Looking for the nest updated information also …thanks a lot.

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