DepositPhotos Offers Huge Christmas Discounts On High Quality Images
Depositphotos, a storehouse of royalty free stock photos is providing 20% discount on Christmas images on buying and selling. With a huge photo library of royalty free stock photos, images and videos, Depositphotos possess advanced algorithm technique to provide required filters for the user search their require images.
As the Christmas celebrations are approaching closer, people have started searching for various images related to Christmas. The portal provides Christmas backgrounds and photos which are available in huge number online which a user can download at huge Christmas discounts. The images and backgrounds are high quality images and high resolution which gives them a lively touch. The users can also customize their images. The portal has been active source of images for designers, content managers and editors. One of the popular images amongst Christmas discount photos are Christmas frames which can be applied to various images and add a creativity factor to the same.
The portal has close to 11 millions photographs and images which consist of a huge amount of Christmas related backgrounds and images on which currently the users are being offered discounts. The photo sizes in the images are Small, small, medium, large, XX large, XXX large and vector. With various sizes availability users can easily choose the design size as per the requirement on affordable prices. The user can also subscribe to the portal in order to access discount on Christmas images along with various other images. Many users have been using high quality and attractive images for the purpose of designing their blogs or websites.
The search for various images for the user has been effectively designed in such a manner that the search tool will find the items based on combination of words provided .Moreover, on the pricing part, the portal provides variations on the different size of images selected. Small image has a resolution of 400×300 inches and 5.6” x4.2” cms dimensions, Small size images have resolution of 817×612 inches with 11.3” x8.5” cms dimensions, Medium images has a resolution of 1633×1225 inches with 5.4” x4.1” cms dimensions. Large images have a resolution of 2309×1732 inches with 7.7” x5.8” cms dimensions. XLarge has resolution of 3266×2449 inches with dimensions of 10.9” x8.2” cms.XXLarge has resolution of 4619×3494 inches with 15.4” x11.5” cms dimensions. The Subscription model of the portal is PRO subscription plans which offers Pay-As-You-Go credits or the users can also design their subscription plans based on the requirements of the users on number of days and number of images with different sizes. With a simple registration on the portal, the user can browse through millions of photographs, background images and videos. Moreover, the users can also register themselves and get affiliated to program in order to earn from the portal.
The infinite images storehouse of the portal helps in making the users search easier as well as interesting in finding images of their choice and relevance. The portal has become very popular amongst bloggers, content partners and designers and has become the most appropriate choice of images for users with varied backgrounds and interest.

Any alternative to DepositPhotos ?
Depositfiles not working :/
Hi Bharadwaj,
The site is working. You can once check it again.
i think its good for blogger though i never heard of it but going to give it a try thanks or sharing it with us Pavan…
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