Facebook Announced to Open an Office in Hyderabad
It is a glad news to share with all the Indians especially to the Hyderabadies. Facebook had recently made an announcement that First Asian Office of Facebook is establishing at Hyderabad (India). Also stated that nearly 400 million of people are using Facebook media in which India takes a majot portion with 8 million people (That’s a huge count).
To support this wide range of global users, Facebook opening 2 new offices. One being in Hyderabad, India and other at Austin. Let’s listen from Facebook team.
The new operations centers in Austin and Hyderabad will supplement our support teams in our Palo Alto, Calif., headquarters and office in Dublin, Ireland. We’re proud to now call America’s Lone Star State and India’s City of Pearls home.
Don Faul, Director of Global Online Operations for Facebook, said: “People in India and around the world are using Facebook to do everything from voicing their opinions on national issues, to connecting with fellow cricket and hockey fans, to sharing photos with their friends and family. We expect our new office in Hyderabad to tap into the region’s strong pool of talented people who understand operations and technology, and help us more effectively serve the needs of our users, advertisers, and developers around the world.”
Facebook will make an small team in Hyderabad and a list of job descriptions for vacabcies can be viewed at www.facebook.com/careers.
For more information can check out from the Official Facebook Blog

Great news for all Indians, thanks for the update bro. 🙂
Glad to see the comment & you can intimate your friends or brothers about the open positions in Facebook office at Hyderabad
Ya sure, I will tell about this to my elder cousin bro who is an engineer himself. 🙂
.-= Ankit´s last blog ..Top six alternatives of Digsby Messenger. =-.
Facebook are taking over the World!
Great news for India though – I just hope this isn’t a way of getting cheap labour.
.-= freebiejeebies´s last blog ..Free iPad =-.
Nice news ! Wow ! A lot of job opportunities will be created
.-= siddharth4u´s last blog ..Download any online manga ( Combo of greasemonkey and Downloadthemall or Flashgot) =-.
Yup! share the news to all your belongings.
Great news man!
And this will open a recruitment season of FB
.-= Mad geek @beingPC´s last blog ..The inside tour of big companies offices =-.
@Mad geek
Ya, lets see how many of them (known bloggers) grab the oppurtunity of open positions.
He he..the world is indeed coming to India.
.-= Palab´s last blog ..Instantly Cancel Any Printing Job With A Simple Batch File =-.
yeah It seems to be
I hope they Open a Branch in Bangalore as well.. love to see facebook in bangalore
.-= Chethan´s last blog ..Zoozoo Jumping on Trampoline meets Tiger. sms GAME to 111[Vodafone ad] =-.
Hope they will in coming days.
Hey Chethan,
I hope so, but I’m really regret about Karachi, Pakistan. No one does come here, Paypal as well as others.
Dilawer Pirzada recently posted..Get Blog Engage Standard Account for Free! Hurry up!
It will create many jobs in India… so it a good news for freshers …
.-= sudharsan @ technoskillonline´s last blog ..Tips to Boost Pagerank – Next PR update March-April 2010 =-.
Great news !!!
Thanks for share dude…Just applied to FB..
Glad to hear that. Wish you good luck
Hey it is really a good news for my Indian friends.. I live in Hyderabad too but across the border 😛
Yup! one of my friend applied. Let’s see how is his luck.
I am proud to be a Hyderbadi…. Thanks for the news Pavan
Naser recently posted..Top 5 Best Alternatives to iPad 3
I am proud to be a Hyderbadi thanks