Giveaway#7: Win 3 UnoTelly 1-month Gold Subscriptions For Free

Good news guys, we are ready with another Giveaway. In the last post we had reviewed about the service of UnoTelly which allows us to watch the international channels that are actually blocked in India.
Win 3 UnoTelly 1-month Gold Subscriptions For Free

A brief info about UnoTelly from previous post:
UnoTelly or UnoDNS is a DNS based system. What it simply does is that it tricks major content libraries like Netflix into thinking that you are streaming the content from next door. Unlike VPN solutions, UnoTelly is very fast because there is no “middle-man” between you and the website you want to stream. That makes it an ideal – for streaming service. Furthermore, UnoTelly can be used on every device supports DNS tweaks (videogame consoles, tablets, iPads and more) in contrast of the majority of VPNs which can be used only on PC.

Here we are giving away 3 FREE 1-month Gold subscriptions from UnoTelly. Participate in the Giveaway program and win an account and enjoy watching the videos from the premium service for free of cost.

Note: One who earns more points will win the accounts.

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  1. gautamcool1

    Thnxx for this Great giveway Pavan…..
    gautamcool1 recently posted..10 Best Cool and Funny Notepad TricksMy Profile

  2. Sai Ram Somu

    very great give away… Thanks for posting it….

  3. Sai Kumar

    Hi Pavan, Great Giveaway! Done all the Steps and Count me in. Thanks a lot for the Giveaway 🙂
    Sai Kumar recently posted..10 Useful Google Chrome Extensions for Web DevelopersMy Profile

    • Pavan Somu

      Welcome to the Giveaway Sai.. Good luck 🙂

  4. Koundeenya

    Lovely giveaway Pavan! I hope I win

    • Pavan Somu

      Thanks for the compliment Koundeenya.. Stay tuned for more Giveaways.

  5. Lakhyajyoti

    Great giveaway. Surely I’ll participate.
    Lakhyajyoti recently posted..5 Best Battery Saving Apps For Your Android DeviceMy Profile

  6. Guppu Boss

    Great.. Best of luck to participants (Y) i don’t watch tv online :d
    Guppu Boss recently posted..Top 3 Free VPN client Services for Visiting Blocked WebsitesMy Profile

  7. Victoria

    Great Giveaway, will try to take part in it, though as far as I see a competition is rather high already, but the prize is certainly worth it, thank you

  8. Muhammad Talha

    Thanks for this awesome giveaway i m in the contest now hope i will win this….
    i have never seen such giveaway on any other blog….
    Muhammad Talha recently posted..Ferrari 458 Top 20 picsMy Profile

  9. ramesh krishna

    Thanks for the Wonderful Give away
    ramesh krishna recently posted..How to Change the Folder Colour In WindowsMy Profile

  10. Vishaka Raj

    Great Giveaway plzz count me….
    Vishaka Raj recently posted..How to Download Picture Messages on Android DeviceMy Profile

  11. Rajkumar Jonnala

    Wow amazing giveaway, way looking for spootify since a long time..

    any ways thanks.
    Rajkumar Jonnala recently posted..Top 5 Instagram Mac AppsMy Profile

  12. Kuldeep

    Well first of all i would like to thanks you for awesome giveaway.. yes all things in giveaway are amazing and interesting. Would join it now.

    Thanks, Hoping to be a lucky winner.
    Kuldeep recently posted..Update Custom rom Firmware JetMOD™3 for Micromax Ninja A50My Profile

  13. Rabia Akram

    Good for watching videos at amazing speed…
    Rabia Akram recently posted..Samsung Galaxy S3; Best Selling Model for Third Quarter of 2012My Profile

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