Google Penalty On Content Copied
Participating in a discussion on a forum I answered a question from a user who has had a fall from 4000 unique visits per day to 40. Among the various answers someone pointed out that the site content is only copied and pasted from other websites and therefore Google may have penalized. This statement got me thinking, the discourse of the copied content has always fascinated me and I think it was for so long a bad headache for Google. With the new algorithm and thanks to PING blogs, Google is now able to index content almost upon its publication, it’s almost like a certificate of ownership of the content, write, and publish it immediately to ping Google which the indexes and notes that you own. Unfortunately after a while some news aggregator publish your post and even if Google knows that it’s yours, that’s the aggregator goes out before you on search engines with your content
How Can This Happen?
My idea is that Google does not care who the highly owner of the content posted, interested to go to Google first sites that they consider most reliable, and especially those with more links and more links “good”.
So Is It Not Penalized?
In my opinion NO, believe that Google lost time and resources to penalize mainly because picopallino care around content is a bit far-fetched, the Italian sites that make more visits are aggregators and certainly the only original content that is the page CONTACT U.S. . Google certainly has an algorithm to choose one site over another even if the same content, there are many other important factors, so why penalize those who have the same content to others? Should be penalized for all the sites of aphorisms, jokes, stories, FUNNY VIDEOS and stuff like that because they all have the same contents.
When There Is A Penalty?
If and only if you do what Google tells you explicitly not to do because it feels against his policies, the rest are just guesses based on nothing. The web is free you can do whatever you want, even copy, it does so in any field or wrong? All plagiarized, at school, between companies, it is human … even though I think that’s ridiculous and immoral … but … as they did at school the teacher always believes that he copied the not so good (in the case of the less popular web at the expense of little blog)
So why the site mentioned in the forum has been a collapse of hits?
When you have a website online you should always know why you have to show us the guided analytics. 4000 visits can be a peace of mind if they come from long tail, i.e, by so many keywords that make a few visits each. However, if the 4000 visits come from the 2 or 3 keywords positioning the website is highly unstable and unreliable. If it falls a keyword the website of the reductions could be crazy like this one.
It often happens that when things go wrong you think penalized by Google, you always try to blame it on something that is strange or out of the reach of our actions. This is a serious mistake if a website goes down instead of growing it is always and only our fault. And ‘our fault, even when Google penalizes us, that’s why the work of seo must be to a manic and must use all instruments of control available, should always know how and why of anything happening to our website … otherwise they are the surprises and it becomes difficult to trace the source of the problem.

Great article Pavan!
You are so true. We often blame others rather finding our own mistakes. It’s better to put an eye on our seo methods before it’s goes too late. Thanks for the alert.
Great informative post Somu. Google strictly treats plagiarism these days. May this post make awareness to all upcoming bloggers who are prone to do such things in future.
yaa this Happens with Most Sites That They get Traffic From Copy paste Articles and At Last loose All In One Go…
Gautam recently posted..Top 5 Free Best Antivirus For Android
Well Said Bro You Cleared My All Dough’s About The Content And Also Showed How To Make content
harrysailal recently posted..THE NEW APPLE IPAD3 REVEIW IN MARKET
There is a premium feature of Copyscape to track if someone has stolen your blog/website content. For $5 a month they will monitor the web for the copies of your content. However I have not given it a try yet – if my Google rankings drop, I’m searching for plagiarism manually and report these “splogs” to Google. Have a great day!
So true, still the bloggers are not leaving the old SEO habits and not looking for writing articles to increase reader’s interest. This is why they are paying now via penalties.
Pawan recently posted..The Best Tablets Available and Trending in 2013
Yes you are completely right!
Krishna Parmar recently posted..Top Windows 8 Gadgets & Widgets for Desktop
Yeah, Its mostly happened to many sites.When Google changes in algorithms there are most of sites are affected and Off course, Content will be the King for the Google.
I think Google should penalize copied content wherever possible. We’ve had issues with a number of sites completely copying our blog posts and promoting them as their own. It degrades original work and allows the unscrupulous to ‘game’ the system to their advantage, without putting in any work.
Shaun recently posted..Top 5 Smartphone Satisfaction? iPhone Rules Again
this is very helpful for upcoming bloggers but i have seen some victims who were professional bloggers but all in vain
I don’t think google penalized website that copy post. I have about 544 posts on my blog and a forum copied about 400 out of was copied exactly the way i posted it [even with my affiliate links] and the website is toping me in google search. What should i do. I have deleted some of the blog posts now.the website even created an account for me.
Excellent and informative post! Well, one webmasters/bloggers must be aware of website conditions and moreover should work effectively on SEO to be on the safe side from penalties. Thanks for sharing and tweeted 🙂
Nizam Khan recently posted..SEOPressor Plugin – 2 single-site license GIVEAWAY
Hi Pavan,
A similar thing happened to my website once. I was ranking high for some keywords then all of sudden my site disapeared from the search results. At first I though it was because too many links in a short period of time but it wasn’t that.
After I researched this a bit I found out about the “Google honeymoon”. When I started my site, the first month I was totally surprised to see my rankings and then after this honeymoon ended I lost all rankings.
I know Google does this to sites just to give them a taste of traffic and then it shows them where they actually rank.
Great post Pavan, cheers.
Indeed, relying on just a couple of keywords is not the best thing when you expect to drive traffic to your site. And surely building a quality link environment for your site will prevent it from falling in the search engine results.
copying other contents is not a good idea but if someone is doing it to you then don’t worry because of the Google Algorithm, they won’t last long…
Great post, Pavan. Plagiarism should be considered seriously. I can’t quite agree that google has lost control or monitoring over copied content.
MNB Achari recently posted..Kudos To Kulwant Nagi, A Creative Blogger From Haryana
totally agree with you Pavan Somu, nice information for newbie bloggers, Google is ery strict about copied contents these days so one must take serious precations…
Nice post Pavan. I totally agree that people are too quick to blame their fall in ranking on Google instead of looking at what they can do to resolve the problem.
Hi there. Really a great post. Thanks for sharing it.
Kristinakathy recently posted..Christine Appleby
this is really good news for people like me and thanks for sharing this is a great
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Great post. All readers will definitely like this post. Looking forward for your next post.
Antony recently posted..Como Rastrear Celulares sin ser Descubierto
Great post , I think this is a very difficult question , How does google know the real owner of the content ?
mbarki recently posted..jQuery Syntax
Hi mbarki,
You can use DMCA service to copyright your published content. Than obviously you will be the owner of it.
I think there should be some sort of penalty, but I think they do get some sort of ding weather is be in page rank or they could de-index them.
Johnson recently posted..Landing Pages: Best Practices for Successful AdWords Campaigns
Interesting article. I write on a lot of blogging sites and everything I write is unique, but I always worry about theft of my work. I think its good that Google takes such a strict stance on it.
lauren recently posted..Why I’m supporting the Mumsnet campaign to end sales reps in maternity wards
nice article learn many things about new tech…
prince recently posted..How To Root Any Android without computer with one click
As per my knowledge and thoughts I think website which has duplicate content will hit by Google panda. By this way you will not penalized by Google but your website will be hit hard in terms of SERP by Google’s Panda algorithm and your visits will down in extreme manner.
What is your thought on this ?