List of Some Popular Universities Using WordPress
Everyone agrees that wordpress is a powerful cms platform. As an open-source application it was used by many industries. We have made a research and found that some familiar universities are using WordPress platform.

Thanks Pavan for the list.
.-= Anish K.S´s last blog ..CSC Announces Version 2.0 of its FirstPoint Document Management and Collaboration Solution =-.
No doubt that WP is an aweosme platform 🙂 thanks for the list .
.-= Shabnam Sultan´s last blog ..How to get comments on your new blog =-.
There many many universities using it.
Deffinately WordPress is very good platform for webdevelopers and bloggers.
.-= Chandrashekhar´s last blog ..Trick To Run Internet Explorer Within Google Chrome =-.
It is good to see that wordpress is still growing and being popular.
.-= pigeon forge attractions´s last blog ..Pigeon Forge, Tennessee =-.
WordPress is the best CMS and that is why most of the universities are using it including some famous technology blogs.
Ajay recently posted..Top 5 Free WordPress Hosting Service Providers
Really WordPress is an awesome platform for website creation and blogging. WordPress is number one platform for CMS. Thanks for nice share…
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