A Quick Round-up Of Recent Events In The World Of Technology And Computing
The resoundingly warm reception of Apple’s new iPhone 5 continues: hot on the tail of its initial release across ten countries, the new model has hit the shelves in 22 other countries.
In less positive news for Apple there has been a new development in its legal battle with rival Samsung that started when Apple argued that its competitor had imitated the designs of the iPhone and iPad to create the Android. A British judge has ruled in favor of Samsung and called for Apple to put a statement on their UK website and adverts in relevant newspapers acknowledging that the Android design was not an infringement.
Meanwhile, Nokia has cut the price of two of its current Lumia smartphone models, with the Lumia 800 reduced by roughly 15 per cent while the Lumia 900 has had its price slashed by 10 per cent. This comes in the face of the arrival of two new models, the 820 and 920.
It has been announced by Microsoft that Windows 8 will support Android apps; it has been speculated that Android apps will outnumber specially-made Windows apps on the new operating system.
A hacking attack recently breached the security of a manufacturer in Canada and affected customer files, prompting action from the Canadian government.
Facebook has introduced a new service: Facebook Gifts. Allowing members to send physical presents to other users of the social network, the new feature has raised concerns that it will result in members giving out private information.
Adepteva, a relatively new company founded in 2008, has taken to Kickstarter in an attempt to raise between $750,000 and $3 million for a new computer project. The company has dubbed its proposed board “Parallella: A Supercomputer For Everyone” and requires donors to pay at least £99 upfront in exchange for a Parallella in 2013.
And finally, Popcorn Indiana is set to unleash the Popinator upon the world. This gadget is designed to fire popcorn into the user’s mouth via a small cannon; voice activated, it uses microphones to identify the location of the target’s mouth.
This article was brought to you by http://www.virginmedia.com

Now a days gadgets are a lot important in our day to day life that even without them our 1 day is like a 1 month..!!
mohit rajwani recently posted..Programming With C #3 Checking Entered Number Is Perfect Square Or Not
I think new service introduced by facebook is a great way Gift assesses the profile of the recipient and recomends the relevant gifts could be huge help to the people who like giving but hate shopping.
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