Websites That Tweet Your Blog Posts Automatically To Twitter
Twitter, the popular Micro Blogging service is a great source for all to share their ideas and thought with the whole world. Although people think Twitter is waste of time, possibly we (bloggers) can utilize it to auto-tweet our blog postings which can saves time compared to do it manually. Ofcourse tweeting every post seems hard and irritates. So, I would to to share some services which can Tweet your Blog Posts Automatically to is a product from Stumbleupon that tweets posts instantly once you have added your feed details.
TwitterFeed is one of the Twitter using application service that offers to tweet the posts published in a blog via the RSS feed. All you need is to adding feed name and feed url. Check out the snapshot below:
RSS2Twitter is another service in which you can add multiple twitter accounts to one feed. Analytics feature added to check out the clicks on the links. is a service from Google. It was a URL Shortener and can be used from feedburner. You can check out the snap below how to add your feed posts to
Click on the “Adda Twitter Account” to add your own twitter account to tweet your post.
You can follow me in twitter@NavaPavanDotCom
Author Bio: This article is written by Hammad Baig. He is the Founder & Blogger of Techtutshub & Bloginner . He is passionate blogger and loves to write about blogging, SEO.

I prefer to use feedburner services for automatic tweeting..
I too prefer Feedburner service
Great Article brother. Thanks
Lot of problems with the design, some errors also showing, Please correct all.
I am planning to start using these services from now on. Thanks for this! But somehow, I think people find it irritating to read automated feeds..
@Tech-Freak Stuff
I don’t think so coz we can grab people attention with our post title
Well, if you use WordPress there are many plugins which make auto posting to twitter ridiculously easy!
.-= Swapnil´s last blog ..GoGear Muse MP4 Player by Philips. =-.
Great post bro… must try it out 😀
.-= Pubudu Kodikara´s last blog ..Stand a Chance to Win a Free BitDefender Anti Virus Subscription =-.
I have used RSS2Twitter in past and i had found it quite useful!
.-= TechChunks´s last blog ..Get Ready to Surf the Web at The Speed of Light =-.
Sorry for my second comment here. But hey! Where are your older posts???
.-= TechChunks´s last blog ..How to Dominate Zynga Mafia Wars in Facebook: Biggest List of Mafia Wars Tricks, Cheat Codes, Hacks And Tips =-.
hey dude, this was my another Tech Blog
I think is better and reliable service. So I prefer that.
.-= JK´s last blog ..Convert your Nokia N97 into a metal detector =-.
After Feedburner implemented the shorl url service, many of the bloggers migrated to it.
Theme Changed ?, good.
.-= Anish K.S´s last blog ..India requires over 1,030 Aircraft worth US$138 billion over 20 years =-.
I didn’t knew about service thanks for the post man
.-= Mad Geek @beingPC´s last blog ..Change your Windows 7 taskbar to Windows Vista style =-.
Gald you liked this post.
Yup man. Satisfied with this.
I never knew about that feature in FeedBurner. Good that I know it now. I’ll use it for sure. Thanks for this informative post.
I have combined my twitter account with feedburner and its best service to tweet our posts.
.-= Simran´s last blog ..How To Find Like Creative Domain Names =-.
I think twitterfeed is best one. But i think is an automatic service with feedburner. its tweet is not a gud lookin one. lookin like a spam tweet
I am actually against using auto-posting services on Twitter. I follow someone because I am interested in what they have to say and not just in their links.
.-= Palab´s last blog ..How To Download And Deploy Kaspersky Offline Updates =-.
That’s good. But this will be helpful for those who like to publicize their blog.
Feedburner is thye best because it is under google, therefore it is reliable.
That’s the reason, many bloggers prefer that.
This plugin reduces our work…Great!.
Thanks for the tips. This is a cool way to auto tweet your post. There is a plugin you can use to auto teet your post, but still I think this is the best way, normally I try to avoid using plugins. Thanks.
.-= Jay´s last blog ..How To Display Feedburner Subscriber Count in Text =-.
Glad you liked the post.
Hi, Good blog you have here. I wanted to let you all know that I think Twitter is going to be one of the stronger networks because of the fact that it is supported by so many industries. I also think when Twitter shows some of it’s new functions, returning traffic will go up to show the real growth of the network.
Anyway, I build a website that offerers great resources for Twitter that are 100% free, so come and visit and don’t be a stranger.
Keep up the good work!
Re-tweeting manually is quite a headache.. thanks for sharing…
.-= Siddhu´s last blog ..Space Myths Busted =-.
Thanks friend. It has become easy now.
.-= Bimal Roy´s last blog ..How to Stop or Prevent Buffering of Youtube Videos =-.
I am using Twitterfeed and services and very satisfied by them but don’t have idea about RSS2Twitter, anybody using it?
Hello! I just wanted to take the time to make a comment and say I have really enjoyed reading your blog.
Feedburner is best,This is what i can say about 🙂
Muhammad Arfaat recently posted..Smart Sharing Option Just after Post Excerpts
I never heard of this kind of websites, thanks for the little trick
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great its working!!
this is a good trick…!!
Amazing! Now I can save my time by connecting my twitter account with any of these sites. Thanks!
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