Are You Sure to Publish Your Post
Today I came across a useful plugin Are You Sure which helps the wordpress author by prompting an pop-up window with Are you sure to proceed. There are many chances where every blogger may click on the publish button instead of clicking on preview or save button. We can again edit the post and set the time to future date and schedule it. But it was too late as the post content is already grabbed by the RSS feed and there is a chance too for the visitors landing on your blog may view the post.
To avoid these circumstances, there was a plugin Are You Sure. It was less than 2kb and performs well.
- Simple to use
- Less than 2kb
- Prompts on when clicking on Publish, Save, Schedule, Update button in every post and page.
- Can cancel and can edit the post.
Random Post: How to install plugins in WordPress blogs

Ya bro, sometimes this kind of things happen with me too. Thanks for the plugin 😉
.-= Netchunks´s last blog ..Themegrade Generous Premium WordPress Theme Giveaways =-.
Well, I honestly think the plugin is not needed for the average blogger. A blogger should take their time when creating a post and not rush through it. If they are rushing, then this kind of mistake will happen.
My suggestion:
i would suggest the blogger allocate a certain time for a post or create a post in a offline editor and then it’s just copy and paste.
My Solution:
What I do sometimes is schedule the post a week or two ahead. This will help them as the button will say schedule and not publish. When they are totally finish, they can change the date.
.-= George Serradinho´s last blog ..One Killer SEO Tip:But The Question Is, Is It Ethical? =-.
@George Serradinho
Yeah! sometimes this hepls great. But everytime we don’t schedule na.
hmm this one seems useful to me
.-= Mad Geek @beingPC´s last blog ..Hide Taskbar with a click in Windows 7 =-.
@Mad Geek @beingPC,
Thanks Ritesg:)
I avoid such mishaps by writing the post in MS Word and then copying and pasting it in WP editor ONLY when I’m completely sure about publishing it.
.-= TechChunks´s last blog ..35 Interesting But Lesser Known Facts about Google, ‘The Search Engine King’ =-.
@TechChunks, This was much better to avoid mistakes while making a post.
It happened with me once. I clicked on publish and made a wrong post. Good plugin
@abhi, You can be notified by using this tiny plugin. So that you won’t bother about wrong postings.
Ya its nice plugin…! it saves me lot of times