Internet Archive

Torrentz Site is Back with a Clone Containing All Torrent Data
by Pavan Somu | Internet | No Comments
The largest torrent meta-search engine silently shut down it’s service on Aug 5th, 2016. Just after 4 days later the incident occurred, they are back with a clone on a new domain. The

How PDF Files Have Become the Everyday Norm
by Pavan Somu | Internet | 7 Comments
We live interesting times; everything that happens in our lives occurs at a remarkable speed. We barely have the time to reflect upon the new realities imposed on us by the unwritten laws of

The Rise of Certificate Abuse
by Pavan Somu | Internet | No Comments
In January 2014, security experts discovered a Windows file called Word13.exe that claimed to be signed by a security certificate from Adobe Systems. However, when experts checked the certificate’s properties, they discovered Windows didn’t

Zoho, The Best CRM Tool For Small Businesses
by Pavan Somu | Internet | 2 Comments
Here in this post we have accompanied a survey on a site named Zoho. All things considered, I might say this site is great to work with. You can take a shot at with

Grow Your Business Using Online Store
by Pavan Somu | Internet | 5 Comments
As technology changes, consumer buying habits have changed with it. More and more consumers are shopping around online or researching a company online before they ever enter the store. Having an online store gives

How To Keep Children Safe From Adult Sites On Internet
by Pavan Somu | How To | 34 Comments
Internet connection is in every house at present generation. It is a wide resource to learn everything. Whatever you need, you can simply go to Google, Yahoo or Bing and search for it by