Why Should You Insert Images Into Your Posts?
Being a blogger is a nice activity, full of rewards but in the same time the multiple challenges and the harsh competition is giving enough headaches. The history of this “job” isn’t very long but everyone is impress by the amazing dynamic of the field, it isn’t impossible that what today was cool and remarkable tomorrow to be outdated and worthless.
The blogs evolved both as number and quality and I am very curious what the future will reserve us. As a particular case, the blogosphere related to web design is a real help for web designers, here are offered posts explaining various issues, inspirational showcases and amazing tutorials. Although this might be helpful for those who know a lot about web design, how about those who don’t have the time or experience with website UI? It is possible for them to hire a Website Design company that has accumulated extensive expertise in the field to design a website.
Across time, the bloggers established a prototype of blog posts according to their audience. No matter by the style or the length of the articles, the pattern was pretty similar to all: the title – an eye catching solution. The introduction is the next in the format of an article and it should offer a clear presentation about the issues debated. There is no secret, but in this part is welcomed to make readers curious about the post, by stimulating their curiosity they surely will become more interested. Obviously, the next part is the article that must have a conclusion and a comment form allowing to the readers to engage in future discussions.
I purposely “forgot” something that may be easily neglected but these are very important and a wise blogger knows how to make work them for him: the images. I hope you noticed that there is almost no post containing barely one image. What do you think, are the images necessary into the body of a post?
Personally, after more than two years in blogging I am sure that these are very important and the lack of these may bring a serious traffic drop-down. Much more, there are a couple of reasons that should convince any blogger to use the images into their posts.
1.These allow a clearer delimitation of the ideas
The specific of the blog post is the huge amount of information in a short length, and more important, everything must be very clearly delimited. It’s logical to help the reader to receive easier the informational flow by having clear paragraphs.
The images are playing the perfect role in this context; there is nothing more suitable to offer a better delimitation of the ideas to share. If you will visit some of the best web design blogs you will observe that this little trick is really applied.
2.A nice image attracts the eyes of the potential readers
The design of a blog is attracting the eyes of the readers but the content is maintaining them. Paradoxically, the design of the layout must be attractive but in the same time to assure the conditions for the readers to enjoy the posts- so it must be very discrete. This annoying situation may be resolved, partially, by the use of cool images. The idea is simple: the layout should be the perfect frame for reading while the originality may come from the inspired images chosen to insert into the posts. Once again, check some blogs to see if it’s true this statement.
3.These offer the time to make the brain “breathe” but not to disconnect
Plain text was never beneficial for Internet users, the eyes are faster fatigued by reading via monitor that reading from a book. It’s known by bloggers and of course, the use of images may help the visitors. There is no rule explaining the frequency of the images into the text but these should be added to allow to the brain and the eyes of the reader “to breathe”.
On the other hand, these should be placed not to disconnect the readers, there is the risk to lose the interest and quit reading the respective post.
4.Google Images may be a source of unexpected traffic
It’s only a recommendation but I strongly believe that is useful: always when using images into the text post, please add the alt attribute. It’s useful for everyone that can’t see the images from various reasons but is useful for the blogger too. Google and other search engines don’t have the resources to admire the images but these are indexed according to their description. Therefore, add images to the posts but add also the alt description – in this manner, Google Images will bring some visitors, not very many but is a step further.
I hope that the previous reasons were enough motivating to look closer at the images potential but there are other some aspects that are vital in improving a blog post. Firstly, it’s very important that the images to match to the message of the article/paragraph. An image having no connection with the post gives the impression of amateurism and superficial treatment while one wisely chosen will impress the readers.
Secondly, it’s capital even for the “blog brand” not to forget the source. Some images owners want to have their written permission, others just to mention the source and others simply don’t care. Anyway, it’s highly recommended to be very carefully with this matter and every time to mention the source. Thirdly, there are websites selling very good images but here is required a payment and websites that don’t ask for money. Two very good sources of free images are deviantart.com and sxc.hu.
In the end, I am very curious about your opinion about the images used into a blog post and it will be great to use the comment form for this.

Thanks Daniel for these tips! Since I am a newbie when it comes to blogging , I will follow every advice you gave and hope that I will get more traffic on my blog.
Daniel Jackson recently posted..Wii troubleshooting
I never use images or screenshots but will use becaus i had read this post:)
Very nice..
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