Procedure To Delete a Facebook Group
Everyone knows that Facebook is the best place to socialize and interact with friends and family. Most of them spends time on Facebook by commenting and by hitting likes on photos and status updates. Present youngsters are so craze about creating Facebook Groups and adding their friends list into the group. After a few days unknowingly that group will become a hub for spam and useless stuff where it leaves bad impression on the group owner. Most of them worries in finding the delete group option. But actually Facebook doesn’t provide a direct option to delete group. No worries, there is a trick to delete the group.
[Also Read: How To Unlike a Facebook Page in Timeline View]
Procedure To Delete a Facebook Group:
1. Open and Login to your account.
2. Navigate to the group which needs to be deleted.
3. Click on the group members.
4. It lists all the members of the group. First remove all the members of the group by clicking on the ‘X’ symbol next to Make Admin.
5. Now remove yourself. Facebook prompts saying that ‘Are you sure you want to leave this group? Since you are the last member, leaving now will also delete this group’. Accept it by hitting delete group button.
Now the group is deleted. Ensure that this action cannot be undone.

Hi Pavan, May I know how to delete a Facebook fan page? Is that same process? I am going to try later of today. Thanks.
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