How to Select The Best Antivirus
Whether you are a newbie or any tech expert, computer’s security is must for you. Lots of viruses keep rolling from one PC to other via the transfer of data. Your Internet is like an open invite to the new viruses to hit your computer. Well, these viruses and malware can result in loss of data. Having antivirus software installed in your system is must. But what antivirus to opt for? The huge rush of antiviruses make it tough for you to select the best one for you. So here in this post, I am up with the best tips to select a perfect antivirus.
Brand Name Does Matter and Matter a Lot:
Either it’s online world or offline world, the brand name does matter and matter a lot. So the first thing to focus while selecting an antivirus for your computer, is the brand name. Some new companies keep hitting the market with their products claiming them to be the best of all. But such antiviruses are just created to waste your time and money. In practical, they are of no worth. Only go with some branded product. There are many popular brands in the antivirus software’s field like Avast, AVG, BitDefender etc. Their products are no doubt of high cost, but yes of best quality at the same time.
[Also read: Best Security Applications for Android]
Check What Additional Features Does Antivirus Provide:
Nowadays, antiviruses have touched the high scale of features. They have surpassed the boundary of only Antiviruses. So look for what other extra features does any antivirus provides in addition to basic features of finding and removing virus.
Does it Provide the Internet Protection:
Well, pick any antivirus, it will be able to scan for the viruses and to remove them. But what about the new viruses. Your Internet is inviting openly new viruses to come and to hit your computer. What you will do if any virus strikes your computer and your so called antivirus is not able to identify it? What’s the meaning of that antivirus which can’t protect you from viruses. Is there any?
[Also read: ESET Mobile Security Joins Forces With Google Play]
Check if The Antivirus Offers you Free Trial:
Only the antivirus which has trust on itself, will be offering the free trial. There are many antivirus software that demand you to make investment first so as to use them. The sole purpose of such software is to grab the money out of your pocket. The features written on antivirus’s website or package does not matter. They can’t make you aware from the features in real sense. Only the practical use can make so. I don’t think there is any wise attempt in purchasing an antivirus even trying them before. Go for the antivirus that offers you trial version, use their services and if you feel satisfaction, then proceed further for full version.
Only the best antiviruses can protect your computer. Well, the choice also depends on the price of antivirus. I hope you will be a smart customer this time and will grab the best deal and will justify with your hard earned money and your computer as well.

Cool Tips,
Additional Tip: Check for its reviews on Internet, and if you’re a tech-savvy/PC Geek then also try to know about its detection rate etc through AV-Comparatives… 🙂
Sumeet Kumar recently posted..Install Windows XP Faster then Ever
We can can use any antivirus actually… because the none of the antivirus is perfect as seen… I am using microsoft essential and its free too I can rate that antivrus 9/10 because its really best…
abuzar recently posted..Latest SEO Methods to Rank Higher [Infographics]
The problem isn’t the anti virus program but usually the user who thinks that their anti virus is going to protect them from everything! Personally I stay away from the Norton’s and McAffes of the world now. They have become so bloated that they can actually hurt your computer’s performance thus outweighing the benefit you would get from them.
I personally recommend Kapersky, AVG, or my personal favorite Avast. They are all pretty “lightweight” can run in the background in an un intrusive manner and will do a great job (if not better than) protecting a user’s computer!
Jason Mathes recently posted..CloudFlare Review | Does It Really Work?
Well yes, brand name does matter a lot, and yes checking if the antivirus has additional features including internet protection is also important. Thanks Pavan for sharing this excellent info 🙂
Nizam Khan recently posted..New Blogger’s Guide to Anchor Text: How You Link and How You’re Linked To
Nice tips Pavan and very useful indeed. It becomes tough to select when we have more choices. Well I am using Kasperky and to be honest like every female I was also very much confused before deciding one.
However I am now very much satisfied with KasperSky.
Shiwangi peswani recently posted..aTorrent – Free Torrent Downloader Android App
i have used many but all are the equal ..can you suggest me any??
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