Top 15 Android Apps for Bloggers
The world is filled with bloggers, each one intent on sharing their opinions with a global audience and engaging the wider community on a subject about which they are passionate. If you have an Android smartphone and want to update your blog while you are on the move, these 15 apps could help.
Before you publish a post on your blog, getting the spelling right to keep readers from being distracted by errors is sensible. The app is one of the best ways to do this, with a huge catalog of thousands of words and their definitions.
This increasingly popular social magazine service lets you turn your various social networking accounts into an easy-to-digest feed that can be accessed on your phone.
Bloggers who want to see how much traffic their site is generating will benefit from this version of Google Analytics.
Keen bloggers will encounter lots of great links each day, but they may not have the free time to deal with them there and then. Pocket is an app which lets you store these links for later, allowing you to save articles and other content to your phone in a basic form so that you do not forget about them.
SwiftKey Keyboard:
This is an augmentation to the standard Android keyboard, giving you access to an advanced autocorrect service as well as real-time word predictions to speed up your typing and let you publish copy in less time.
Google Drive:
This is a convenient all-in-one data and document storing service which will put all of your content in the cloud. This means that if you compose an article on your phone you can then save it to Google Drive and have it ready and waiting on your PC when you get home to complete it and post it to your blog.
This official app for one of the world’s most popular blogging platforms is going to be a benefit for anyone who already has their WordPress blog up and running. As well as being able to create and edit posts from your Android phone, you can use it to approve or remove comments and even see how many views your posts have had.
Google’s own blogging service may not be as popular as WordPress but it is still well used and well liked among the blogging community. It is not quite as comprehensive in its features as the WordPress app, but it will let you do the basics, such as creating a new post.
This app supports the increasingly popular blogging platform of Tumblr and it is very much focused on sharing images, video and links rather than lots of text. As well as being able to post things to your Tumblr account, you can also view the pages created by others and start following those that you find appealing.
Photo Editor:
The complex filters of Instagram are not for everyone, which is why the more functional and practical tools of Photo Editor will appeal to serious bloggers. You can re-size images, crop them and even add text using the intuitive touch interface.
BeyondPod Podcast Manager:
If you are a fan of audio or video podcasts then this app will let you catch up with some of the most popular shows while you are out and about. By using Broadband Expert’s mobile broadband page you can find a tariff that makes the streaming of these affordable.
Taking notes no longer requires a pen and a pad as this app proves. As well as writing text, you can add images and even record audio notes to get down those ideas before they disappear.
If you like to engage with the community of people who visit and comment on your blog then this app will let you communicate when you are out and about without the need to log on to your PC.
This is word processing pared down to its most basic and when you are using a smartphone you really do want simplicity. It’s ideal for jotting down ideas or composing a whole blog post.
Tape-a-Talk Voice Recorder:
Sometimes you cannot type fast enough to keep up with your ideas, which is when this app will be useful. You can use it to record your thoughts and the full paid-for version lets you edit files.

Now this is Incredible List Pavan.
But my bad that i don’t have Android Phones 🙂
Amit Shaw recently posted..5 Major Blogging Mistakes Not To Be Done By Newbies
All these Apps are really very useful!! 🙂
Gurwinder Singh recently posted..Syntax Highlighter For Blogger
Soon going to buy a new Android phone, will try some of these apps
Tauseef Alam recently posted..Why VPS: 5 Reasons you need a VPS over Shared Hosting
You can mentioned Instagram too as it is helpful for some bloggers to take the pics of their gadgets with pre-effects and use it in their blog posts. Not much of use but still worthy 🙂
Shiv recently posted..How to Buy Google Nexus 7 in India before Launch
Instagram is definitely a wonderful app but doesn’t deserves much under blogger category 😛
But the problem with these blogging apps are the small real estate of an android phone and lack of physical keyboards.
This list is great, in did.
These android apps that you have shared are truly helpful for all bloggers. Infact, they can create a distraction free writing space. I think bloggers must have liked using “ever-note” app as it is just the best. Thanks for the share!!