Orange Supports T-Mobile Network Coverage

Mobile International AG is a German holding company for Deutsche Telekom AG’s various mobile communications subsidiaries outside Germany.T-Mobile have been partners with Orange for a long time now. Not in business, but in the support of their network coverage. Along with Orange, T-Mobile are putting nearly one and a half million pounds a day into improving their network, meaning that their customers will be able to do what they do on their phones much faster than they used to be able to. Because they are part of the biggest 3G network in the UK, it means that they are poised to provide the best coverage for whatever the next generation of phones can do. Also the 4G network will use portions of Orange and T-Mobile’s existing airwaves for LTE, which will speed up data to your phone and reach a wider audience than the current 3G network.

One big advantage of Orange and T-Mobile’s head start is that they’re first in line if the iPhone 5 turns out to pack 4G, as widely expected. The new iPad connects with LTE in the US, suggesting the next iPhone will as well — but different countries use different frequencies, so a 4G phone in one country may not be 4G in another.
T-Mobile Network Coverage
Because they are partnered with Orange, it means that if you ever happen to find yourself in a place where there’s not a good enough signal from T-Mobile, your phone will automatically switch over to Orange, so you can use their network for whatever you need to do without even being on an orange pay monthly phone. It’s called smart switching, and it could mean the difference between making and losing an important phone call if you’re traveling on a train or in a car.

The intention of T-Mobile, and the reason they have spent nearly one and a half billion pounds in the last year improving their masts and coverage, is to be able to provide near total coverage to the entire country. The aim is to provide 99.6% of the country with a 3G signal, and improve the 2G signals available everywhere to a level that their customers are happy with. It takes a great amount of time to make this much work happen, but their dedication to providing a near flawless 3G coverage makes them a major player in the future of telecommunications.

It’s also crucial to remember that, because the Orange and T-Mobile sharing system works like a roaming service, your phone may be set up to prevent you accessing expensive foreign data. To get data working, you’ll need to enable the ‘roaming data’ option just don’t forget to turn it off again before going abroad.

As well as this, T-Mobile offers many great deals and offers for new and current customers alike. There is always something to keep you satisfied, whatever it is that you need from your mobile provider. Orange can have some pretty decent deals if you don’t go through their own site, but god help you if you go over your included minutes/data. Have to say I’m almost always after a specific handset.

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  1. Harsha

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