Strategies For Ecommerce Websites That Sell Digital Downloads And Tangible Goods
There are different strategies available for ecommerce websites that sell digital downloads.. Some businesses focus exclusively on digital files and do not maintain any infrastructure for selling physical products.
An increasingly popular strategy is to integrate digital downloads with a selection of physical goods so that customers have more purchasing options. These physical goods can be procured for a much affordable rate from outsourcing agencies. Whether companies source products from china or other sourcing locations, they do not have to worry about the processes involved in producing their merchandise. They in turn can spend their time developing other areas required to run their e-commerce website. That said, selling digital downloads alongside tangible merchandise presents a set of opportunities and challenges that every business should look at carefully.
Certain strategies can be used when selling physical and digital items together online that will help to increase sales and reduce customer service transactions. In the case that there is also a physical store that customers can shop at, that will require a different set of strategies panned towards improving the in-store experience-beginning with a comprehensive retail audit might be the first step in formulating a plan that will attract more customers to the actual store rather than the website.
Marketing tactics for products that might seem intuitive to a designer are not always obvious to consumers. Business marketers might need to apply different sales strategies and Hypothesis based problem solving methods to handle issues with a tight deadline. It is also very important to make it abundantly clear what products are tangible goods and what products are digital files that need to be downloaded. Confusion in this area could leave a customer sitting at home for weeks waiting for a music album to arrive in the mail that actually needs to be downloaded. The best way to handle this situation is to use a single common element on product pages that indicates a digital item. The element should be in an obvious area and should stand out from the other design components on the page. This could mean placing a bright ribbon across the product picture or including a bold graphic under the product description that states the item is a digital download.
Some products have a digital version and a physical version. Music, movies and even applications can be purchased as a digital download or as a packaged product. Many customers will want to own both the physical and digital versions of an item. This provides the business with a marketing opportunity. Package deals should always be offered when an item can be purchased in both forms. The package should include the digital and physical versions of an item bundled together under a single stock-keeping unit (SKU). Besides that, the physical versions of these items should be packed and shipped to customers in a way that makes them happier to own it-using a custom mailing box with designs showcasing unique designs relevant to the products, for example. Plus, these package deals should be less expensive than purchasing the items separately. Packages provide customers with an added level of service since fewer clicks and searches will be required to add the desired items to the shopping cart. This is also a way to improve revenue by increasing the average amount of an individual sale. Businesses that sell digital downloads should consider creating packages of closely related items as well.
Digital downloads make perfect upsale items. Upsales are impulse purchases that customers make at the last second. The products do not even have to be related to the main purchases to appeal to the shopper. Digital downloads make good upsale items because the shopper will receive immediate gratification after making the purchase. The item is purchased, downloaded and then enjoyed in just a few minutes. Digital downloads are particularly effective as an upsale when selling movies, music or other media files. This is because the title of the download is normally enough of a description to capture the interest of the shopper when the song or movie is already commonly known. Upselling is an effective way to sell digital downloads. The technique should be used on custom landing pages and during checkout.

nice strategies 🙂
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